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What Happens if You Eat Expired Cheese While Pregnant

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Accidentally ate moldy cheese

Looking for reassurance please.... I am 3w3d and accidentally ate feta cheese (pasteurized) that I just discovered had a tiny bit of mold in it. Obviously threw the rest out and left my OB a voicemail. From what I understand, if god forbid I got listeria from it (I feel fine), it affects the placenta and that's how it can cause risk to the fetus. Based on this app's info, I don't have placenta yet at this early stage. While I wait for my dr to call back, I would love any reassurance from you ladies that I don't need to be super worried. I had a MC in June and am totally paranoid. Thanks in advance.


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Listeria is VERY rare!!! You're definitely ok mama! Eat good clean good today to support your bodies detox

Just to highlight what the previous poster said, it would be a VERY rare case so don't worry too much

listeria and mold are completely different. so cheese having mold on it has nothing to do with there being listeria. generally speaking you want to avoid soft cheese period unless it has been cooked - but the risk associated is so rare, I honestly wouldnt worry at all.


thankyou! I know they are different but the internet has nothing reassuring - apparently some kinds of mold can have strains of bacteria including listeria. Rare, though. I just need to stay away from Dr Google!

My daughter survived food poisoning from grocery store sushi when I was pregnant. I think you'll be okay!!

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What Happens if You Eat Expired Cheese While Pregnant
