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How to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile Who Are Not Friends 2020

Regardless of whether your Facebook profile is completely locked or not, other users can easily find and view your Facebook page. This situation even includes people that aren't on your Friends list. Depending on your account's visibility, they'll see varying amounts of information about you.

How to See Who Viewed Your Facebook Page

But can you see who viewed your Facebook page? Or better yet, can you view who checked it out the most?

The sad answer is no. You cannot officially view who has visited your Facebook page/profile. Facebook claims that there is no way to view the name of visitors to your profile, and they don't intend to make it possible in the future. They also state that no third party has access to such information and to report them if you find one that claims such a statement. Regardless, Facebook's decision on the matter is mainly due to privacy concerns and policies.

If you have doubts based on what you have already seen on the internet, read this article and discover the truth!

Claimed Methods to Seeing Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

Sure, some websites explain a way to use the page source of your Facebook profile page, but the two different processes scattered all over the internet are not correct. Others claimed that the iPhone had an option in the "Privacy Settings" that said "See who has viewed you," which will also get explained. Lastly, many third-party extensions or applications claim to reveal who has viewed your Facebook profile, but that is also not true. Here are the nitty-gritty details on all those scenarios.

Seeing Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile using View Page Source

When searching the internet, you may find two different ways to show you who has visited your Facebook profile by using the "View Page Source" option.

One method involves searching for "Initialchatfriendslist."

Technically speaking, the Initial Chat Friends List is the order of the displayed list of friends in your chat bar on the right side of your Facebook page. Many factors determine the order, but it is officially an ordered list of users that Facebook thinks you are most likely to chat with based on many algorithms. This feature is already available on your profile, so there is no need to hide it, even in the Page Source.

The second method involves searching for "BUDDY_ID" to find stalkers and friends that recently viewed your Facebook profile.

First off, you won't see anyone on the list that is NOT your friend. Second, the Buddy List is just people whom you communicated with recently in one way or another.

See Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile using iPhone

Another solution all over the web to view who sees your Facebook Profile states that you can use your iPhone to see those Profile viewers. You navigate to the "Security and Privacy" menu on Facebook and click on the "Who viewed my profile?" link.

First off, this scenario is against Facebook policies, even if someone states that Facebook worked out an agreement with Apple.

Second, This option got reported to have been available in April of 2020, but there have never been any more words. Some reports state that it was available on April 1st, 2020. Maybe it was a temporary glitch or opportunity? Perhaps it was an April Fools joke? We'll never truly know, and no, this scenario wasn't a test, nor will it get rolled out to Android.

See Your Facebook Profile Viewers using Third-Party Apps

You may find browser extensions or even apps that claim they can show you who viewed your Facebook profile.

To begin with, Facebook states that there is no way to view who has seen your profile as that would constitute a breach of privacy. As previously mentioned, Facebook says to report any third party to them that makes such claims.

Any apps that claim to show you your profile viewers deliver false results because they have no access to Facebook's profile usage data.

Furthermore, most third-party Facebook profile-viewer apps get designed to steal your personal information and credentials, or they infect your devices with malware. Finding FB Profile viewers is a hot topic, so it becomes a target for hackers and thieves.

Secure Your Facebook Profile

The best way to keep your Facebook profile safe is to limit the amount of information that "outsiders" can see when they stumble upon your profile. By "outsiders," we mean people who aren't your Facebook friends and who you don't know in person.

The information that you should hide from others if you want to be as secure as possible includes the following:

a) e-mail address

b) date of birth

c) phone number

d) relationship status

To do so, log in to your Facebook account and follow the steps below. This tutorial covers Facebook's Desktop version, but you can also follow it on your smartphone as the options are the same.

  1. Navigate to your account's Settings.
  2. Click on the Privacy option. That will send you to a page where you can adjust your profile's privacy settings.
  3. Click on Who can look you up using the email address you provided and set it to Only Me.
  4. Then select Who can look you up using the phone number you provided and set it to Only Me as well.
  5. Navigate back to your Facebook Profile page.
  6. Click on Edit Profile.
  7. Find the information that you've entered (date of birth, relationship status, etc.) and remove it.

How to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile Who Are Not Friends 2020
